
Get Involved... Before Your Competition Does

Handshake Re-Ignite™: Turning Dead Leads into Gold

Transform dormant leads into a lucrative goldmine with Handshake Re-Ignite™ – it's practically wizardry!

You could be sitting on a potential goldmine of old, untapped sales. The issue? Maybe you lacked the tools, workforce or time to unearth that hidden cash.

Instead, you've been relying solely on the hamster wheel of new leads. Many businesses teeter on the edge because their sales strategy hinges on a constant influx of new leads and the minute they stop selling is the . This one-dimensional approach has pushed companies toward financial peril, forcing them to shell out more for new leads to increase sales.

Enter a smarter solution just for you. Our Database Reactivation bot works tirelessly in the background.

It engages in meaningful conversations with your forgotten leads, primes them for a sale, and seamlessly hands them over to a human closer. You'll witness a surge of £1000s in extra sales each week, tapping into these overlooked assets.

The best part? No more exorbitant ad spends or escalating lead bills for you to secure these additional sales. The AI bot extracts cash from leads that you've already acquired and discarded. You can finally step off the 'Sales See-Saw' and attain the ROI you've always desired. Welcome to Handshake Re-Ignite™ – where your dormant leads turn into gold!

Missed Call-to-AI

Harness the power of Handshake's AI to tackle the issue of missed calls. 80%+ of callers never call back or leave a voicemail. Stop losing sales to competitors by engaging every lead instantly.

You may never know much much business slips through your fingers due to competitors who beat you to the phone. Week after week, business owners invest in pricey leads, only to see 'Ready to Buy' customers land in the lap of their competition. It's not intentional, but when you have a business to run, it's almost unavoidable.

When a customer reaches out and encounters an answering machine or gets lost in your stack of enquiries while time ticks away, they won't hesitate to try the business down the road. Until now, the only solution to salvage these high-quality prospects was to hire expensive sales staff. But even then, if everyone is tied up with other customers when a new lead comes in, opportunities can slip away.

Now, business owners have a hassle-free way to INSTANTLY connect with potential new sales 24/7, regardless of how hectic things are. The result? Conversions skyrocket, and more sales hit the board faster than ever before. Don't let missed calls be missed opportunities – with Handshake, you can seize every chance to win over customers.

Out of Hours Sales Assistant

Ever find yourself with leads that turn ice-cold overnight?

When businesses lock their doors for the day or wind down for the weekend, a flood of new inquiries tends to roll in. It's a head-scratcher for most businesses.

You've been available all day, and it's only when the lights are off that everyone decides to reach out. Odd, right? Not really. Our ideal customers are unlikely to be scrolling through their phones, clicking ads, or filling out web forms in the middle of the workday. They (should be) at their jobs.

It's only after they clock out for the day or week that they work through their personal to-do list and find the time to reach out. The snag is, these new out-of-hours leads often don't get a call until the next day (or even longer on weekends). By then, these customers have had time to copy/paste their enquiry to 3 others competitors and when you're ready to speak to them, they are back at work and unable to answer. It becomes a frustrating cycle.

Now, thanks to our 'Out of Hours' Sales Assistant, businesses can connect with every new lead, regardless of the time or day.

This bot solves the out-of-hours contact problem for good by engaging in a back-and-forth conversation with each new lead via SMS or live chat on the website. It warms up prospects and seamlessly schedules qualified customers directly into the calendar for appointments, all set to be closed during normal office hours.

Google Reviews Autopilot

It's common knowledge among business owners that gathering customer reviews is key to building trust and credibility. However, what many overlook is the importance of responding to these reviews to showcase the integrity of their business. First impressions matter, and people scrutinize the smallest details to gauge how they'll be treated as paying customers. They want to know:

Is this company attentive?

Do they value customer feedback?

How do they handle issues?

Do they maintain interest in customers even after they've made a purchase?

Businesses that take the time to respond to all their reviews, including the negative ones, answer these questions in one fell swoop. The challenge? While most businesses recognize this, they often lack the manpower to dedicate hours to this laborious task. That's precisely why we've developed an AI bot to take care of it.

The Reviews Autopilot excels at responding to all types of reviews in a human-like manner. In fact, when we tried to outperform it, we couldn't respond half as effectively, even with double the time. Why? Because it's pretty hard to find something meaningful to say when replying to a review, but the Autopilot doesn't suffer from writer's block.

But that's not all - you also can gather reviews in a conversational manner, staying ahead in the race for online credibility. In today's world, especially on Google, reviews are crucial for providing social proof that wins business, regardless of the lead source.

Did you know that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations? For local businesses, having more high-scoring reviews than the competition is vital for reaching the top of Google search.

Most customers won't go to the effort of leaving a review, even when asked. Negative reviewers are more likely to spend time doing so than satisfied customers. This is where Handshake comes in: Using the latest AI natural language technology, our AI works on autopilot to generate positive reviews in a conversational way that was simply not feasible until now.

Here's how it works:

  1. We initially ask for feedback with simple, low-effort, easy-to-answer questions. This feedback provides valuable insights, regardless of whether a review is left.

  2. The invitation to review online is only offered for a positive experience. Based on the customer's answers, our AI suggests a review text that they can copy/paste, reducing customer effort and making it more likely that the review will be left.

  3. Negative feedback is met with empathy and opens an OFFLINE window of opportunity to 'make it right' and ultimately turn the negative into a positive.

Not only will this service help you generate more positive reviews, but it will also give you valuable feedback to improve your business.

Make More Sales & Get Better Qualified Leads

Discover how AI can kick costly salesfolk to the curb and pad your business bank account with extra zeros.

Schedule a chat with us - let's make it happen.

Let Us Show You How it’s Done

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a demo is worth a thousand pictures. That’s why before you do anything, I want you to see AI in action. This demo gives a taster of how AI engages with customers in a natural way and bears the brunt of repetitive tasks, so you and your team don’t have to. With AI freeing up valuable man-power and doing the work you’d “never get around to doing”, you can unlock new levels of ROI whilst focusing on the things you enjoy.

Pull 5 or 6 figures worth of sales from old leads you’d written off for Dead.

Our Database Reactivation bot helps businesses treat every lead like it’s their last. The bot takes all the people in a database who haven’t bought and strikes up a conversation with them via SMS. Then next thing you know they’re booking calls and you’re up $10K-$100K+ in sales.


Ready to Get the perks of a 24/7 Sales Team WITHOUT the expense?

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